On this page you will find our current by,schulz product catalog as a PDF for viewing or downloading.
Please note that prices, article data and article numbers are only valid in the current version of the product catalog.

Product catalog 2024/25

Here you can find the current version of our product catalog

(Version PB-PK-20240910-EN)


Older versions of our product catalogs are no longer available for download.

Product catalog 2024

(Version PB-PK-20240307-EN)

Product catalog 2023/24

(Version PB-PK-20230607-DE)

Product catalog 2022/23

(Version PB-PK-20220701-DE)

Product catalog 2021/22

(Version PB-PK-20210812-DE)

Product catalog 2020

(Version PB-PK-20200728-DE)