On this page you will find our order sheet for dealers. These can be viewed directly with a pdf viewer or printed if necessary.

Order sheet trader

With this order form you can order goods from us. Simply fill in the form completely and send it to us by fax to +49 (0) 681 – 95 97 25 20 or as a PDF file by e-mail to info@byschulz.com.

Debit mandat

With this SEPA direct debit mandate you authorize by,schulz GmbH to collect payments by direct debit. Please fill out the form completely and send the original by mail to the given address

Master data sheet

Here you will find our master data sheet. Please fill in completely and send it by fax to +49 (0) 681 – 95 97 25 20 or as a PDF file by e-mail to info@byschulz.com