Speedlifter Twist Upgrade Kit

Speedlifter Twist Upgrade Kit

Ab 74.95 €Ab 89.95 €

MSRP from 74,95 €

· Suitable for all by,schulz Speedlifter Classic

· Retrofitting of the twist function ± 90°

· The Classic clamping body is replaced with the Twist clamping body

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The clamping unit of the Speedlifter Classic can be replaced with the Speedlifter Twist unit, which has all the Classic’s functions, but additionally allows the handlebar to be twisted by +/- 90° for space saving.

Tech. Data

  • Material : Aluminium AL-6066 -T6
  • Colour : Black anodized
  • Weight : Approx. 200g
  • Scope of delivery : Speedlifter Upgrade-Kit