Eurobike Award 2019

by,schulz packaging concept

Sustainability is a big issue today more than ever.
For this reason, the packaging comes from local production with no
plastic materials. The completely recyclable packaging holds the
product securely in position and serves as protection during transport. Consciously
the packaging for all products was developed with a simple design and for the purpose of
recognition with a uniform shape, while at the same time avoiding
effect finishing was avoided. The open design allows the product to be seen
and touch the product, the graphic design picks up on the product and transports
the brand and quality. The variable use of the packaging for different
products and models saves resources and underlines the concept.


The multiple use of packaging and insured transport for
different models, variants and products is guaranteed.

The open design allows the product to be viewed and touched.
the product.


No plastic or synthetic material is used for locally produced packaging.